Grant Award Wednesday - New Grant Awards Announced!
Today the OneOhio Recovery Foundation announced it has awarded more than $4.9 million in grants to support 34 projects across the state to help combat substance misuse by supporting prevention, treatment and recovery efforts across Ohio.
“The start of the holiday season, while joyful for many, can be difficult and stressful, especially for those struggling with mental and behavioral health disorders,” said OneOhio Executive Director Alisha Nelson. “As we begin this final month of 2024, getting more life-changing resources into Ohio communities as quickly as possible remains a top priority for the Foundation, and we’re pleased the 34 projects announced today will build on the ongoing efforts to make our state a healthier place to live, work and thrive.”
New OneOhio Grantees:
NOTE: Additional grant awards will be announced in the future. Grants announced today should not be considered an exhaustive list.
These 34 new grant awards are part of more than $51 million allocated for the 2024 Regional Grant Cycle and were selected from 1,442 funding requests totaling $581 million from organizations statewide. Grantees were chosen in a collaborative process that included input from the OneOhio Regions, Expert Panel, Grant Oversight Committee and Board of Directors.
Additionally, the OneOhio Recovery Foundation’s Board of Directors has given preliminary approval for more than 80 additional grant awards. This approval authorizes Foundation staff to negotiate grant agreements with recipient organizations, and awards are publicly announced once grantee organizations complete the grant verification process. Several grant recommendations remain in the review process.
Grant Award Wednesdays will continue, as needed, through the end of 2024 or until all grant awards are announced. A complete list of recipients can be found at
The 2024 Regional Grant Cycle is just the first of several grant opportunities to come. Organizations and leaders seeking to submit applications in the future can sign-up on the Foundation’s website here to receive updates.