Directors of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization charged with helping distribute Ohio’s opioid settlement funds to advance substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts, held its monthly board of directors meeting on June 12, 2024, at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce offices in Columbus.

Chair Don Mason (Region 12) expressed his appreciation for the work of the OneOhio 19 Regional Grant Review Committees as they begin the first-ever grant proposal review process.

“With more than $581 million in grant requests received for the $51 million available this cycle, we’re encouraged by the number of organizations across the state that share our dedication to fighting this epidemic head-on,” Mason said. “While we certainly won’t be able to fund all of these great ideas in 2024, this is just the first of many opportunities to come and we’re confident our strong focus on evidence-based investments can make a significant impact on the lives of those impacted by the opioid crisis.”

As the first matter of business and to honor Ohioans impacted by addiction, OneOhio Board Director Robert Radcliff shared the story of Gracee Poorman, who currently serves as chair of the OneOhio Region 12 Board. As the daughter of parents with substance use disorders, Poorman endured numerous personal struggles throughout her youth. She successfully emerged from her troubled childhood with a deep understanding and empathy needed to help those affected by drugs and alcohol, and regularly speaks to young people about the importance of substance use prevention.

The Board then welcomed special guest LeeAnne Cornyn, director of the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Director Cornyn discussed the agency’s funding priorities and investments in mental health and substance use disorder programming and services across Ohio communities, including $88 million for opiate treatment and the distribution of $97 million in State Opioid Response funding to implement tailored approaches in prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery supports for opioid use disorder, stimulant use disorder, and/or co-occurring disorders.

Following Director Cornyn’s remarks, the board then:

• Heard from Chair Mason regarding the Audit and Finance Committee’s proposed revisions to the Foundation’s Fiscal Policy. Following a thorough review of the proposed changes, the new Fiscal Policy was approved by the board.

• Heard a finance report from Finance Manager Jim Quinn, who presented the unaudited monthly financial report for board approval. In his update, Quinn also noted that OneOhio expects to receive the Janssen Settlement Payment 4 (estimated $16.5 million) in June and the Distributor Settlement Payment 4 (estimated $21.6 million) in July.

• Heard an update on the grant application review process from the Grant Oversight Committee Chair Tom Gregoire and OneOhio Grants Manager Laura Spires. In the first cycle, 1,442 applications were submitted by 777 different organizations, totaling $581 million in funding requests. More than 400 proposals focused on recovery supports, more than 300 on prevention and nearly 300 on treatment and healthcare services. As of the board meeting, six regions have begun the grant proposal review process, while the remaining regions are working to complete the preliminary steps necessary to safeguard the integrity of the process. Announcement of approved grants will be made on a rolling basis and are expected to begin later this summer.

• Heard an update from Chair Mason on board member terms, and recognized Board Director Christopher Smitherman as he ends his first term of board service with OneOhio.

• Received a Personnel Committee report from Director Julie Ehemann, who provided an update on the employee handbook drafting process. The committee also discussed the Foundation’s insurance policy and future needs.

The board’s next meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at the State Library of Ohio, 274 E. 1st Ave., #100, Columbus. Moving forward, all OneOhio board meetings will be held at this new location.

Members of the public and media may access video of all board meetings and related board documents at OneOhioFoundation.com/Meetings.




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