COLUMBUS, OH – Board members of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation, a private, non-profit corporation charged with distributing funds for local opioid-abuse relief, recovery and prevention efforts, held their monthly public meeting on March 8 at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce offices in Columbus. 

This was the 29-member board’s tenth public meeting since its formation in May 2022, continuing work to establish fundamental policies to guide the Foundation’s mandate to distribute more than $450 million in opioid settlement funds across the state.

“The OneOhio Foundation has made great progress in its formative months to establish an effective and transparent framework for a locally based assault on addiction and substance abuse in Ohio,” said Board Chair Larry Kidd. “This continues to be a thoughtful and deliberate process, a step-by-step approach that’s essential for the ultimate success of our mission.” 

At their March meeting, board members:

• Received a welcome and update from Board Chair Kidd.

• Further discussed potential strategies governing the allocation of Foundation assets and a resulting allocation plan, to be developed, to meet the goals of that strategy.

• Were informed by Interim Executive Director Kathryn Whittington that more than 80 applications for the Expert Panel were submitted and applications are currently being organized for board review ahead of the April board meeting. 

• Received an update on stakeholder engagement efforts underway by Interim Director Whittington, including a summary of 19 meetings held thus far in 2023 and nine meetings scheduled in the coming month.

• Received the Foundation’s current financial report from Chief Financial Officer Jim Quinn.

• Heard an update from chairs of committees on Finance, Personnel, Strategy and Grants. 

The board’s next public meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at offices of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, 34 S. 3rd Street, Columbus.


April 12, 2023 Recap: Opioid Settlement Fund Board Holds Public Meeting


February 8, 2023 Recap: Opioid Settlement Fund Board Holds Public Meeting