Scottie Powell

Region 9 Director

Powell, a veteran human services administrator and also a Scioto County Commissioner, has spent a lifetime working to enrich his southern Ohio community. Powell learned the value of hard work early, working alongside his brothers to maintain the acres of tobacco his family relied on for extra income. Powell began his career as admissions and marketing director for BridgePort Healthcare Center where he was instrumental in helping create a state-of-the-art rehab center. He later went to work for the state Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, serving in several high-profile roles including Director for Customer Service. Today, he works as the Chief Experience Officer for an Ohio-based healthcare provider that offers a variety of residential options to seniors. A graduate of Otterbein University and Western Governors University, Powell is a proud Scioto County resident where he lives with his wife, his high school sweetheart Emily, and their two children. He is active in many community organizations including his church and the Masons.

Powell notes that Scioto County was the epicenter of the opioid epidemic. “With that distinction, we have unique and tough problems to tackle,” he says. “I will continue to work hard to ensure our community recovers from this plague, while taking into account all members of our community, both those directly and indirectly effected.”