Story: Shay Brown

Shay Brown was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio, in the southwest part of the state. From a young age, she experienced the impact that drugs and alcohol can have on a family due to her mom’s substance use disorder. Although Shay was raised by her grandmother, this change in environment was not enough to keep Shay from using alcohol and other drugs herself.

Sadly, the trend of early alcohol and drug use leading to a substance use disorder came true in Shay’s case. She started drinking and using drugs at age 12 and by 15 she was addicted to methamphetamines. Two years later, she encountered what she refers to as her “main love”: prescription pain pills.

Shay’s addiction continued after her move to Columbus in 2000, and by 2015 she had lost custody of her children. That tragedy was the catalyst for Shay to enter treatment through the Franklin County Family Drug Court, which she successfully graduated from. Shay credits the combination of participating in a strong treatment program, having an amazing counselor, and being active in her 12-step recovery program, as the reasons she’s been in recovery for more than seven years. Best of all, she has regained custody of her wonderful kids.

How different life looks today for Shay, who just recently experienced not panic but pride as she took a drug test for a new job. She held her head high knowing she had nothing to hide. Even better, she drove herself to the drug test in a car that she bought herself, an experience she described as “freedom.”

Shay is currently enrolled in college with dreams of following in her family’s footsteps and graduating from Wilberforce. Her goal is to create an organization in central Ohio to better serve the behavioral health needs of minority communities. Shay wants us to know there are many paths to recovery, but if we stick with it, one day at a time, we can all experience the true freedom that comes from long-term recovery.